Friday, 7 April 2023

Hidden Adobe Photoshop shortcuts you never knew existed

       Adobe Photoshop is a popular graphics editing software developed by Adobe Systems. It is widely used by graphic designers, photographers, and other professionals in the creative industry to edit and manipulate digital images, create graphics, and enhance photos. With Photoshop, users can perform a wide range of image editing tasks such as color correction, image resizing, cropping, layering, compositing, and much more. The software also includes a vast array of tools and features for retouching and repairing images, applying filters and effects, creating 3D designs, and working with video. Adobe Photoshop is considered the industry standard for image editing and is available as a desktop application as well as part of Adobe Creative Cloud subscription.

List of all Adobe Photoshop shortcuts here :

  1. Ctrl + N (New document)
  2. Ctrl + O (Open document)
  3. Ctrl + S (Save document)
  4. Ctrl + Shift + S (Save As)
  5. Ctrl + Z (Undo)
  6. Ctrl + Shift + Z (Redo)
  7. Ctrl + C (Copy)
  8. Ctrl + V (Paste)
  9. Ctrl + A (Select All)
  10. Ctrl + D (Deselect)
  11. Ctrl + T (Transform)
  12. Ctrl + J (Duplicate layer)
  13. Ctrl + Shift + J (New layer via copy)
  14. Ctrl + Shift + E (Merge visible layers)
  15. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N (New layer)
  16. Ctrl + Alt + G (Create clipping mask)
  17. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G (Release clipping mask)
  18. Ctrl + + (Zoom in)
  19. Ctrl + - (Zoom out)
  20. Ctrl + 0 (Fit to screen)
  21. Ctrl + Shift + C (Copy merged)
  22. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Save for web)
  23. Ctrl + Shift + U (Desaturate)
  24. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N (New layer with dialog box)
  25. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E (Create a stamp visible layer)
  26. Ctrl + Shift + ] (Bring layer forward)
  27. Ctrl + Shift + [ (Send layer backward)
  28. Ctrl + Shift + F (Fade)
  29. Ctrl + Alt + A (Select all layers)
  30. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K (Show/hide slices)
  31. Ctrl + Alt + I (Image size)
  32. Ctrl + Alt + C (Canvas size)
  33. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S (Image size for screen display)
  34. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + P (Print one copy)
  35. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Save selection)
  36. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D (Deselect selection)
  37. Ctrl + H (Show/hide guides)
  38. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R (Show rulers)
  39. Ctrl + Alt + R (Clear guides)
  40. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W (Close all open documents)
  41. Ctrl + Alt + G (Group layers)
  42. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T (Reapply the last filter)
  43. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N (Create a new layer under the currently selected layer)
  44. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R (Render flame)
  45. Ctrl + Shift + K (Preferences)
  46. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K (Keyboard shortcuts)
  47. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M (Curves adjustment layer)
  48. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + L (Levels adjustment layer)
  49. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B (Black and white adjustment layer)
  50. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U (Hue/Saturation adjustment layer)
  51. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G (Invert selection)
  52. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + I (Invert colors)
  53. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F (Feather selection)
  54. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + X (Exchange foreground and background colors)
  55. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Numpad 0 (Fit on screen)
  56. Ctrl + T (Free transform)
  57. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T (Transform again)
  58. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E (Merge all visible layers to a new layer)
  59. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + O (Open as)
  60. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Semicolon (;) (Hide/show extras)
  61. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L (Auto-levels adjustment layer)
  62. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + M (Replace color adjustment layer)
  63. Ctrl + Alt + 0 (Fit image to screen)
  64. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + H (Hide/show all panels)
  65. Ctrl + Alt + C (Copy current layer style)
  66. Ctrl + Alt + V (Paste layer style)
  67. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V (Paste layer style and maintain aspect ratio)
  68. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Save a copy)
  69. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Z (Step forward)
  70. Ctrl + Alt + Z (Step backward)

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